N-VAR (英国中学生17或18岁时参加的)高级程度考试;高级程度考试证书 A levels are British educational qualifications which schoolchildren take when they are seventeen or eighteen years old. People usually need A levels if they want to go to university in Britain.
He left school with four A levels... 他中学毕业时通过了4门高级程度考试。
Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies. 明年暑假劳拉将参加戏剧和宗教研究两门课的高级程度考试。
He left school with four A levels 他中学毕业时通过了4门高级程度考试。
Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies. 明年暑假劳拉将参加戏剧和宗教研究两门课的高级程度考试。
When Julie speaks of her disability, she talks in the same calm, level tones she uses to discuss her A level prospects. 谈到自己的残疾时,朱莉的语气一如谈及她的高级证书考试前景般冷静平和。
His cry is pitched at a level that makes it impossible to ignore 他的哭喊声之大让人没法不理睬。
We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies. 我们寻求一个能与外国公司公平竞争的环境。
His painting of people attained a level never known before. 他的人物画在当时可谓登峰造极。
And while I may be a little biased, I have overwhelming confidence in the capability of the American people to compete on a level playing field with any nation and any peoples in the world. 尽管我可能有点偏向,但我对美国人民在一个公平竞争环境中与世界上任何国家和任何民族竞争的能力抱有绝对的信心。
In fact, people hired in a level below me often get hired at the same salary I make. 事实上,级别比我低的员工经常和我拿一样的薪水。
For most transactions, such a level of detail is not necessary. 对大多数交易来说,没有必要做这么细。
A person at a level two energy has feelings of anger and thoughts of conflict. 第二级能量的人怀有愤怒的感情和对抗的思想;
So dynamic languages effectively add a level of indirection. 所以动态语言有效地添加了一级间接寻址。
The J2EE1.3 specification introduced the notion of resource references and EJB references as a mechanism for providing a level of indirection between the calling component and the real component. J2EE1.3规范中引入了资源引用和EJB引用的概念,它们作为一种机制能在调用组件和实际组件之间提供间接级联系。
There is a level of indirection that separates the creator and processor of the message. 把消息的创建者与处理者分开在一定程度上是间接的。
You can choose a level of granularity for the reviews you log. 您可以选择评审日志的颗粒度级别。
In other words, the bus takes control of the message before it is delivered to the consumer, namely the MDB, providing a level of control that is not available in a traditional JMS scenario. 换句话说,总线在将消息传递到消费者之前就对它进行了控制,也就是MDB,提供了在传统的JMS场景中无法获得的控制级别。
Seeing this link assists you in risk assessment and even in a level of effort analysis. 看到这个链接将帮助进行风险评估,甚至帮助进行工作级别的分析。
Each object has a level where it can be found in the formal module. 每一个对象都拥有在规范模块中可以找到的层次。
A logger can have a name and be associated to a Level. 记录器可以有一个名称并与某一级别相关联。
The most essential facet of a level of decomposition is the interactions it exposes or hides. 一个分解级别最本质的方面就是它所暴露和隐藏的交互作用。
BPM provides the platform that enables the business functions embedded within applications and systems to interact and integrate at a level higher than application-to-application and data integration. BPM提供了一个平台,支持嵌入在应用程序和系统中的业务功能在高于应用程序间集成及数据集成的级别进行交互和集成。
With multiple devices in the system, there is a level of fault tolerance. 系统中有多个设备时,有一个容错级别。
A slice includes a level from a hierarchy of each dimension of the cube model. 一个切片包含来自多维数据集模型的每个维的层次结构的一个级。
EJB technology certainly provided a level of decoupling, but at what price? EJB技术当然提供了一层解耦,但代价是什么呢?
This provides a level of control over a VPS, defining how much memory is available, how many interprocess communication ( IPC) objects are available, and so on. 这为VPS提供了一定层次上的控制,定义了有多少内存可用,有多少进程间通信(IPC)对象可用等。
It focuses more on the results and benefits of achieving a level versus solely improvement of the process. 与改进流程相比,它更多地关注实现一个级别将获得的结果和好处。
Virtual machines provide a level of isolation I've never had on my own desktop. 虚拟机提供了我的台式机中所不具有的隔离级别。
As a DMS always returns the information in the same format ( a Data Graph), it hides the actual data storage and provides a level of abstraction between the SDO application and the EIS. DMS总是以同一种格式(数据图)返回信息,它隐藏了实际的数据存储信息,在SDO应用程序和EIS之间提供了一层数据提取的功能。
An Access Specifier declares a level of access to a function or method. AccessSpecifier声明了访问一个函数或者方法的级别。
The FactoryBean interface adds a level of indirection to the applications built using the Spring framework. FactoryBean接口为使用Spring框架构建的应用程序添加了一个间接的级别。
A tablespace provides a level of indirection between a database and the tables stored within the database. 表空间在数据库与存储在数据库中的表之间提供了一个间接层。